Videos about Circumcision and the Foreskin

Videos of Circumcision Procedures

Any parent who is considering circumcision should watch a video of one (or at least view pictures). See our 'Procedure' page for links to pictures and videos of actual circumcisions performed in hospital settings.

Child Circumcision: an Elephant in the Hospital

An excellent presentation on circumcision by Ryan McAllister, PhD at Georgetown University.

Cut: Slicing Through the Myths of Circumcision

Cut: Slicing Through the Myths of Circumcision examines the subject of male circumcision from a religious, scientific, and ethical perspective. Using cutting-edge research, in addition to interview footage of rabbis, philosophers, and scientists, Cut challenges the viewer to confront their biases by asking difficult questions about this long-standing practice. The film is powerful, respectful, informative, and thought-provoking. See more about the film at:

Mother, Nurse, Intactivist

Gillian Longley, R.N. discusses her perspective on infant circumcision from her vantage point as a neonatal nurse.

A Jewish Mother on Circumcision

Miriam Pollack speaks frankly about her experiences and studies on circumcision.

Educational video narrated by Dr. Dean Edell

You can also download a copy of this video: NOCIRC Video 2008.m4v (294 MB).